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Marie Blanchard
Born about 1674 in Port Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-Francemap
ANCESTORS ancestors
Daughter of Guillaume Blanchard and Huguette Gougeon
Sister of Unknown Blanchard, René Blanchard, Jeanne Blanchard, Antoine Blanchard, Anne Blanchard, Jean Blanchard, Élisabeth Blanchard, Guillaume Blanchard, Magdelaine Blanchard, Pierre Blanchard and Charles Blanchard
Wife of Charles Bourgeois — married about 1692 in Port Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-Francemap
DESCENDANTS descendants
Mother of Marie Jeanne Bourgeois, Charles Bourgeois, Jeanne Bourgeois, Pierre Bourgeois, Honoré Bourgeois, Michel Bourgeois, Jean Baptiste Bourgeois, Jean Jacques Bourgeois, Madeleine Bourgeois and Anne Bourgeois
Died [date unknown] [location unknown]
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Profile last modified 30 Oct 2021 | Created 28 Jul 2012
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Marie Blanchard is an Acadian.
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NOTICE: Two brothers Claude Bourgeois & Charles Bourgeois married two sisters Anne Blanchard & Marie Blanchard.
NOTICE: this profile is protected by the Acadian Project because of possible duplication, confusion with her sisters and possible merging. Please contact the Acadian Project before making any substantive changes. Thanks for helping make WikiTree the best site for accurate information.
Marie Blanchard was born around 1674 in Port Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France. [1] Her parents were Guillaume Blanchard and Huguette Gougeon. She was listed in the censuses of 1678 and 1686 with her parents, grand-parents and siblings at Port-Royal. [2][3]
Marie married Charles Bourgeois, son of Charles Bourgeois and Anne Dugas, about 1692.[1]
Together they had 10 children:[1]
Marie Jeanne Bourgeois
Charles Bourgeois
Jeanne Bourgeois
Pierre Bourgeois
Honoré Bourgeois
Michel Bourgeois
Jean Baptiste Bourgeois
Jean Jacques Bourgeois
Madeleine Bourgeois
Anne Bourgeois
Charles and Marie raised their children in Beaubassin. In 1693, Charles age 22, and Marie, 17, had one daughter Marie, 4 months. They owned 1 gun, but no land or animals were listed. They were also counted for that same year with Marie's parents in Port-Royal.[4]
The 1698 census shows that the Bourgeois family was doing well in Beaubassin. They had 3 children and owned 20 head of cattle, 8 sheep, 14 hogs, 6 1/2 arpents of land, and 1 gun. They had one servant in the household.[5]
They were counted again in the censuses of 1700[6], 1701[7], 1703[8], 1707[9] and 1714[10]
? 1.0 1.1 1.2 White, Stephen A. Patrice Gallant, and Hector-J Hébert, Dictionnaire généalogique des familles acadiennes (Moncton, N.-B.: Centre d'études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, 1999) p. 146
? Tim Hebert; 1678 Port Royal Acadian Census noting that the correlations for this census were done by Rev. Clarence J. d'Entremont, Fairhaven, Massachusetts.1678 Census
Jean Blanchard and Radegonde Lambert
Guilleaume Blanchard and Hugette Gougeon
6 acres , 17 cattle , 1 gun
2 boys 3, 1675 6/M/1678
1 girl 5,1675
? Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1686 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1686 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 15-60.
Jean Blanchard 75, Radegonde Lambert 65
Guillaume Blanchard 35, Huguette Goujonne (Gougeon) 27
Rene 8
Antoine 6 1/2
Marie 12
Jeanne 5
Anne 2
4 guns, 5 arpents, 16 cattle, 20 sheep.
? Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1693 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1693 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 62-108
*at Beaubassin : Charles BOURGEOIS 22, Marie BLANCHARD 17, Marie 4 months; 1 gun
*at Port-Royal : Guillaume BLANCHARD 42, Agate GOUJON 37, Rene 16, Anthoine 14, Jeanne 11, Anne 9, Jean 6, Elisabeth 4, Guillaume 3, Madeleine 1, Charles BOURGEOIS (son-in-law) 20, Marie BLANCHARD (his wife) 19, Jeanne 1(sic); 30 cattle 40 sheep, 15 pigs, 30 arpents, 3 guns
? Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1698 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie1698 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 110-150
Charles BOURGEOIS 25; Marie BLANCHARD (wife) 18; Jeanne 5; Charles 3; Marie 2; 20 cattle, 8 sheep, 14 hogs, 6 1/2 arpents, 1 gun, 1 servant.
? Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1700 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1700 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 151-173.
Charles BOURGEOIS 27; Marie BLANCHARD (wife) 18; Charles 5; Pierre 1; Jeanne 7; Marie 4; 20 cattle, 18 sheep, 12 hogs, 9 arpents, 2 guns.
? Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1701 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1701 Census Transcription. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 174-211.
Charles BOURGEOIS, his wife, 2 boys, 2 girls, 6 arpents, 20 cattle, 22 sheep, 10 hogs. 1 gun.
? Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1703 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1703 Census Transcription. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 212-220.
Charles BOURGEOIS, his wife, 3 boys, 2 girls, 1 arms bearer.
? Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1707 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1707 Census Transcription. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 221-237.
Charles BOURGEOIS and Marie BLANCHARD, 5 boys less than 14, 2 girls less than 12; 8 arpents, 15 cattle, 20 sheep, 12 hogs.
? Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1714 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1714 Census Transcription. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 239-261.
Charles BOURGEOIS and Marie BLANCHARD: Jeanne, Charles, Pierre, Honore, Michel, Jean-Baptiste, Jacques, Madeleine, Anne.
See also:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 2015-08-27), entry for Marie /Blanchard/.